Looking Good

5 ways to reduce coffee stain smiles

5 ways to reduce coffee stain smiles

The general rule is, if it can stain your clothes - it can satin your teeth. So yes, your favourite morning ‘pick-me-up’ might bring your smile down a notch or two.

We love coffee, as our friends, the Baristas at Casa Dolce, Est Espresso, Da Giacomo and Ginger Fox will agree.  It’s no surprise then that we also have trouble battling coffee stains. Here are 5 things you can do to help keep your teeth clean and stain free:

Keeping a youthful smile

Keeping a youthful smile

Are your teeth making you look older? If so, you may be one of a growing number of people suffering from accelerated tooth wear. 

Pathological tooth wear can create a wide range of problems aesthetically and functionally. Issues include increased sensitivity, pain, reduced longevity of dental work. Decreased chewing ability is one of the functional problems, and  the impact on self-confidence and quality of life can be substantial.