Invisalign: The Clear Orthodontic Solution

The perfect smile should be natural, beautiful and allow you to smile with confidence. Aside from the brightness of your smile, general teeth, gum health and their functionality need to be considered as well. The position and alignment of your teeth are central to overall oral health and function, as well as being important aesthetically. A beautiful smile ideally shows straight, evenly spaced and properly aligned rows of teeth. This is where orthodontic treatment can help. 

Cost, discomfort and appearance during treatment and duration of treatment have traditionally been deterrents to orthodontic treatment. However, there have never been more options for teeth straightening, and Invisalign certainly a good alternative in many cases. 

In contrast to fixed braces which require metal wires, this revolutionary orthodontic treatment only uses a series of clear and removable aligners that you wear over your teeth. These custom-made aligners gently push your teeth into their proper position and alignment over time, giving you the smile that you’ve always wanted.

The aligners are clear and almost invisible. People might not even notice that you’re wearing an appliance to straighten your teeth. With Invisalign orthodontic treatment no more metal wires are necessary.

Invisalign and overall oral wellness

Because the aligners can easily be removed, it is a whole lot easier for you to keep your teeth and gums absolutely clean and perfectly healthy. You can just take them off when it’s time eat, ensuring excess food particles will not get trapped during meals or get in your way as you brush and floss your teeth. 

Invisalign at bc dental

If you’re curious to know if Invisalign could be an option for you, call our friendly staff and ask for a consultation to discuss teeth straightening. Our staff will be happy to book a no obligation 20 min complimentary consultation. To arrange your complementary consultation call us today on (03) 9589 2675 or enquire online.