Cleaning Fixed Lingual Retainers


One of the most challenging things about having a permanent retainer is keeping it clean. Retainers that are bonded behind the teeth look nice and do their job pretty much without your help. Unfortunately they also tend to accumulate plaque and require more time and effort when you are flossing. 

There are several ways to floss bonded retainers attached to every tooth, which ever method suits you best, make sure you continue to brush gently right down to the gum

Interdental brushes or “picks” that fit between the teeth are one of our favourites!  Some of our most favourites from this selection are shown below. If possible get a trial pack with many sizes. We generally recommend starting with the smallest size then moving up till you find the size that fits snuggly between the teeth. 


Picksters, TP brushes and Interbrush are examples of interdental brushes

Floss threaders are little plastic needles that can be used to help direct floss between the teeth and under your retainer wire. Once the floss is under the wire, it can be moved up and down the sides of the adjacent teeth to remove plaque as normal. However – you’ll need to re-thread the floss between every individual tooth.

SuperflossTM is a precut piece of floss on which one end has been plasticized by the manufacturer. This can be purchased at most pharmacies and bcdental. The stiff end makes it easier to thread the floss between the teeth.

YouTube link showing flossing using a Floss threader:

Water Pick; many patients find improved ease using a water pick, ( e.g. the Sonicare AirFloss). It is much easier for patients to clean around their braces & fixed wires with this tool, but is not a replacement for conventional interdental cleaning with floss or brushes

And, importantly – make sure you maintain your regular dental visits